Great Things Come to Those who Wait..

I first want to thank you for coming to visit my page and taking the time to read my blog. I know that there are a lot of options out there, even a lot of dad blogs, so I truly appreciate you visiting mine. I hope through this blog we can connect as fathers, sons, men and humans, so please enjoy!

I wanted this first post to be about something important, something relevant, something that means a lot to me. However like this blog is will talk about, life got in the way, and I wasn’t able to write a piece I was happy with to post right away. This whole blog is going to be about what being a dad to me means, the things that I think are important, and the events and other crazy life happenings that get in the way.

I will always say that as long as this post reaches 1 person or makes a difference in 1 person’s life that I have accomplished what I set out to do with this.

I will be posting blogs on Tuesdays and Thursdays for now. Tuesdays will be focused on the athletic part of this blog, like my training, product reviews, etc. Thursdays are going to be focused on what I consider “dad issues”. These will be more sensitive and more vulnerable topics that I believe need to be talked about.

I hope you all enjoy this blog, and can get some satisfaction one way or anther from it.

Talk Soon!



How to Get/Stay Motivated